AMP Configuration Generator

Version 2.0 - Updated by IceOfWraith
©2023 CubeCoders Limited

You can find detailed instructions and explanations on the Generic Configurations Wiki.

Basic Information

This is what will show up within AMP as the name of the application.
Useful for describing different variants/configurations of the same application.
Who are you? Take some credit for your work! Please use your GitHub username.
A link to where you can learn more about the application, such as a store listing.

Management and Console

This is in addition to the applications management type if it accepts management over methods other than Standard IO


AMP will automatically generate firewall rules to allow the application ports through. You may add any number of ports. Maximum of 1 Main Game, Steam Query, and RCON Port.
Number Type Name Description Protocol
No ports have been added.

Update Sources

Stage Name Source Type
No update sources added.

Configuration and Settings

Display Name Field Name Default Value Command Line
No settings have been added.
Configuration Files
Select the location of any game server configuration files AMP should manage. Location relative to Base Directory.
Config File Config Type AutoMap
No config files have been added.

Startup and Shutdown

Application and Parameters
Don't include any arguments that come from the Configuration and Settings section above.
Any Windows specific arguments to be used in the command line args in place of {{$PlatformArgs}}.
Any Linux specific arguments to be used in the command line args in place of {{$PlatformArgs}}.
The format to be used to add settings specified above to the command line in place of {{$FormattedArgs}}. {0} is the field name and {1} the value.
The character(s) used to separate different arguments in the command line flags generated by settings. By default this is a single space.
Where should AMP place Steam Workshop mods? This is relative to the Base Directory.
A URL to an image that AMP can use to represent the application. This is pre-filled for Steam games.

Server Events (Beta)

AMP uses the game server's output from either the console (standard output) or RCON to know how to handle certain events:
A successful startup, Users connecting/disconnecting, or Chat messages.

The Config Generator will attempt to create regular expressions based on your input. Paste a line from the console that uniquely represents the events. Keep all static pieces of the line and replace sections that vary with the *{misc} variable. Use as many of these variables in place of corresponding sections of the lines:

Variable Description
*{username} The Username of the player
*{userid} The User ID of the player (Typically Steam64 ID or Epic ID #)
*{sessionid} Any unique number to identify a player's Session
*{message} The chat message
*{endpoint} The IP of the player
*{misc} Any section of the line that varies

Regex101 is an excellent resource to help validate expressions. AMP uses the 'ECMAScript (Javascript)' regex flavour.

Validate and Review

This is generated assuming the default values and default port numbers, these will change based on user-specified values or assignments made by AMP.

  You have not yet validated your configuration. You will not be able to download your configuration until you have done this.

  Validation Failed - You must address the following failures before you may continue.

  Validation Passed with Warnings - You should consider addressing the following warnings.

  Validation Passed - Great stuff! You may now download the completed configuration below.

Validation Issues:
Category Issue Recommentation
No validation issues

  Make sure to keep a backup of your configuration by using the 'Export' option at the top of the page! You will need this to make further changes even after downloading the configuration and manifest.

Using the generated configuration

You can find the steps to upload the configuration to GitHub and use them within AMP on the Generic Configurations Wiki.


Generated Data

Values that are calculated automatically based on your input.
No Generated Value
No Generated Value